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Tenancy Agreement Slownik


Tenancy Agreement Slownik: An Overview of Key Terms for Polish Landlords and Tenants

A tenancy agreement, also known as a rental agreement or lease agreement, is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant. It outlines the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement, including the duration of the tenancy, the rent amount, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

For landlords and tenants in Poland, understanding the key terms used in a tenancy agreement can be crucial to ensuring a smooth rental experience. Here is a brief overview of some common terms you may encounter in a tenancy agreement slownik (Polish dictionary).

1. Najemca – Tenant

This term refers to the person who is renting the property from the landlord. The najemca is responsible for paying rent, following the rules outlined in the tenancy agreement, and maintaining the property.

2. Właściciel – Landlord

The właściciel is the owner of the property who is renting it out to the tenant. The landlord is responsible for providing a safe and habitable living space, maintaining the property, and addressing any issues that arise during the tenancy.

3. Czynsz – Rent

Czynsz is the Polish word for rent. This refers to the amount of money the tenant agrees to pay the landlord in exchange for the use of the property.

4. Kaucja – Security Deposit

A kaucja is a security deposit, usually equal to one or two months` rent, that the tenant pays to the landlord at the beginning of the tenancy. This deposit serves as a guarantee that the tenant will fulfill their obligations under the tenancy agreement and will be returned to the tenant at the end of the tenancy if there is no damage or unpaid rent.

5. Okres wypowiedzenia – Notice Period

The okres wypowiedzenia is the amount of notice required for either the landlord or tenant to end the tenancy. This is usually stated in the tenancy agreement, and the length of notice required may vary depending on the circumstances.

6. Mieszkanie – Apartment

Mieszkanie refers to an apartment or flat. This term is commonly used in tenancy agreements to describe the type of property being rented.

7. Umeblowany – Furnished

If a property is described as umeblowany, this means it is furnished. The tenancy agreement should include a list of the furniture and appliances included in the rental.

8. Rzeczywiste koszty eksploatacji – Actual Operating Costs

Rzeczywiste koszty eksploatacji refers to the actual operating costs of the property, such as utility bills and maintenance fees. These costs may be passed on to the tenant in addition to the rent, depending on the terms of the tenancy agreement.

9. Zobowiązanie – Obligation

A zobowiązanie is an obligation or duty. Both the landlord and tenant have certain obligations under the tenancy agreement, such as maintaining the property and paying rent on time.

10. Postanowienia – Provisions

Postanowienia refers to the provisions or clauses of the tenancy agreement. These are the specific terms and conditions that both parties agree to follow during the tenancy.

By familiarizing yourself with these key terms of a tenancy agreement slownik, you can ensure that you fully understand the terms and conditions of your rental arrangement. If you have any questions or concerns about your tenancy agreement, it`s always a good idea to seek advice from a legal professional or experienced property manager.
