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電話予約 6:00~20:00


Lothian Agreement


Lothian Agreement: What is it and How Does it Affect Scottish Politics?

The Lothian Agreement is an agreement made between the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Scottish Liberal Democrats in 2007 that allowed the SNP to form a minority government in Scotland. The agreement ensured that the Scottish Liberal Democrats would not bring down the SNP government in a vote of no confidence for the next two years, thereby ensuring a stable government in Scotland.

The Lothian Agreement was named after the location of the meeting where it was agreed, the Lothian Road offices of the Scottish Parliament. The agreement was signed by the then SNP leader, Alex Salmond, and the then Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, Nicol Stephen.

The Lothian Agreement gave the SNP government a degree of certainty in political decision-making, as it allowed them to pass legislation with a greater degree of confidence. The agreement also allowed the SNP to pursue a number of key policy objectives, such as the introduction of free tuition fees for Scottish students and the abolition of prescription charges.

The Lothian Agreement was significant in that it marked the first time that the SNP had formed a government in Scotland. The agreement was also significant in that it marked a significant shift in Scottish politics, as it allowed the SNP to pursue a number of key policy objectives that had previously been blocked by other parties.

The Lothian Agreement was also significant in that it allowed the SNP to maintain a degree of stability in government at a time when the Scottish political landscape was shifting rapidly. The agreement ensured that the SNP could continue to govern Scotland, even in the face of opposition from other parties.

Despite its significance, the Lothian Agreement was not without its critics. Some commentators argued that the agreement gave too much power to the SNP and allowed them to pursue policies that were not in the best interests of Scotland. Others argued that the agreement was too weak, and that it did not provide the SNP with enough power to pursue its policy objectives with sufficient vigour.

Overall, however, the Lothian Agreement remains an important moment in Scottish politics. It marked a significant shift in the Scottish political landscape, and allowed the SNP to pursue a number of key policy objectives that had previously been blocked by other parties. Whether or not the agreement was successful in achieving its objectives is a matter of debate, but it remains an important moment in Scottish political history.
