
電話予約 6:00~20:00


電話予約 6:00~20:00


This Agreement Does Not Create a Partnership


When entering into a business agreement with another party, it is important to clearly establish the nature of your relationship. One common phrase used in contracts and agreements is “this agreement does not create a partnership.” But what does this mean, and why is it necessary to include?

First and foremost, stating that an agreement does not create a partnership means that the parties involved are not entering into a formal business partnership. In a partnership, two or more parties combine resources and share in the profits and losses of a business venture. Partnerships have legal implications and require specific filings and agreements to be established.

By distinguishing that the agreement is not creating a partnership, the parties are clarifying that they are not forming a legal partnership and are instead entering into a different type of business relationship. This could include a joint venture, where two parties come together to accomplish a specific business goal but do not share in each other`s profits or losses.

Additionally, including this phrase in an agreement can protect both parties from future legal issues. If the parties do not clearly state that they are not forming a partnership, they could inadvertently create a legal partnership and could be held liable for each other`s actions and debts. By stating that the agreement does not create a partnership, both parties are acknowledging that they are not assuming the legal responsibilities that come with partnership agreements.

There are a few different ways that this clause might be worded in an agreement. Some examples include:

– “Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties.”

– “The parties agree that they are not entering into a partnership, and nothing in this agreement shall be interpreted as doing so.”

– “This agreement is strictly a collaboration between the parties and does not constitute a partnership or joint venture of any kind.”

In summary, including a clause stating that an agreement does not create a partnership is an important step in establishing the nature of a business relationship. It clarifies that the parties are not forming a legal partnership and can protect both parties from future liability issues. As a professional, it is important to ensure that this phrase is included and accurately worded to communicate its intended meaning.
