
電話予約 6:00~20:00


電話予約 6:00~20:00


Eba Agreement 2019


The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union (EU) and Japan, also known as the EBA agreement, has been in the news since its inception in 2019. This free trade agreement came into force on 1 February 2019 and has created one of the largest open trading areas in the world. The EBA agreement has a significant impact on the global economy, particularly on trade between these two powerful regions.

The EPA agreement has been designed to create a closer economic relationship between the EU and Japan. When implemented, it eliminated most tariffs on goods traded between these two regions and sets new standards for the protection of intellectual property rights, labour rights, and environmental protection. This agreement is expected to boost trade and economic growth between the EU and Japan and provide new opportunities for European and Japanese businesses.

One of the key benefits of the EBA agreement is increased market access. Under the agreement, Japanese businesses can now sell their products and services in the EU, receiving preferential treatment for tariffs, which means lower costs for consumers. European businesses also enjoy similar benefits by exporting their products to Japan. As a result, EU companies are expected to gain access to one of the world’s largest markets for products like cheeses, wines, and meat.

Another critical aspect of the EBA agreement is the focus on sustainability. The agreement requires both the EU and Japan to promote sustainable development and incorporate environmental protection and labour rights into their trade policies. Both parties have committed to combating climate change and conserving resources while promoting sustainable economic growth.

Overall, the EBA agreement has created a level playing field for businesses in both regions. The elimination of tariffs and other barriers to trade is expected to lead to increased competition, which will, in turn, benefit consumers by ultimately lowering prices and increasing product choices. The agreement has also created new opportunities for European and Japanese businesses to expand their operations and access new markets.

In conclusion, the EBA agreement between the EU and Japan is a crucial development in the global economy. As a professional, it’s essential to understand the significance of this trade agreement and its impact on the world. The EBA agreement represents the beginning of a new era of cooperation and economic growth between these two powerful regions, providing opportunities for businesses and consumers alike.
